Living with Purpose is a
Life Not Wasted
But Living with Exceptional Purpose
is a Life Fulfilled
— Kerrie Redgate
Researcher/Founder: Yogacara Astrology
for Your Exceptional Purpose

Hi, I’m Kerrie Redgate
I can sleuth-out Your Subtle Sabotage
And Your Valuable Past Histories
And then Design Your Career for
Life is not random chaos.
Your Life has Meaning.
It has threads that go back
to an Ancient Past.
And your Next Life will be based
on what you achieve in This One.
Yogacara Astrology
is the superlative system of consciousness:
A bio-science of resonant frequencies
But Here’s a Vital Point
Your CAREER and your PURPOSE are
Your Life Purpose,
your reason for incarnating in the first place,
never changes throughout your life.
But your Career can change multiple times
in this one lifetime… And it should.
Times change, Culture changes

And the sequence of global astrological paradigms
— we navigate throughout life —
will demand you require different skills & deeper awareness
of how you can best serve others through your work.
New opportunities will be constantly appearing.
Once you fully appreciate your essential Purpose
from the point of view of your
Spiritual Consciousness
(not your habitual ego-survival-mind)
you’ll always be able to tailor your work/career
to achieve that aim.
From Late-Teens to Seasoned Professionals:
all Sessions with Kerrie are live on Skype
— globally & encrypted —
Astrology & Purpose | video
A quick 2½ minute snippet from my 2006 TV interview on ‘Conversations With Robyn’. Here I discuss why Purpose is important for your wellbeing, and I try to dispel the myth that Astrology is about Sun Signs!
Here’s the secret
Your own potential in life
far exceeds your own expectations !
Whether facing the wall of
unconscious anxiety, or of
seemingly-external obstacles,
you can’t afford to allow yourself
to slip back into the old, safe
paradigm of The Familiar…
…as wrapped inside any
insidious FEAR or TERROR
is your actual GIFT,
struggling to
burst through!
…and here’s the Good News :
The greater your inner resistance in this struggle,
the closer you are to a breakthrough
. . .
Only your uniquely filtered perception
stands in your way !
So, what are the Benefits
from actually living
Your Exceptional Purpose?
- Being on-target with your essential Life-Purpose initiates your Plan, which always involves unexpected opportunities. Challenges will always be there, as usual, but the solutions will often seem miraculous.
- You’ll be living through your Heart and spiritual consciousness, which is the basis of the immune system — living consciously keeps you healthier!
- You’ll be contributing to the upliftment of the human condition (and if you’re still reading this, you must be someone who has that potential).
- You’ll have a greater chance for success, as it’s your own originally chosen destiny: you won’t be pushing up-hill, trying to accomplish something your psyche was never equipped to do.
- You’ll be happier and inspired by your work, and this leads to happier relationships!
Since then, I am flourishing and my lost Purpose is developing in many, many new facets. It is amazzzzin’.”
Yogacara Psychology
elaborates upon your 8 types of mind
and how they habitually
create your own reality
Yogacara Astrology
places these within a new context
to help you achieve your
Exceptional Purpose
Your entire brain was ‘wired’
for a specific life-purpose at birth,
being the reason you decided to
incarnate in the first place
This is why your particular
Purpose & Talents can be found
in your Astrology Chart :
a ‘screenshot’ of that moment
“Kerrie allows you to access the understanding of
who your soul chose to be in this life — this knowledge is priceless.
I would recommend anyone with a big path
to see Kerrie for that guidance.”
So, what’s holding you back from
Finding Living Refining
your Highest Purpose?
- Do you lack confidence in your own ideas and dreams?
- Or have you never really tried to fit your dreams into a bigger view of your life?
- Or is your own psyche running a SUBTLE SELF-SABOTAGE program, causing things to go wrong, or causing your avoidance tactics?…
Let’s look at these more closely
- Lack of confidence in your ideas and dreams is actually a morbid focus on self and self-preservation, and can be overcome through the development of compassion and generosity of spirit.
- Making space for a new life with a greater vision is more a matter of time-discipline and strategy. And of course, this depends on having confidence in your ideas. (See point 1!)
- Finding the SOURCE of a subtle self-sabotage program, and how it works, is vital. This involves awareness of your own deepest psyche, and appreciating how this subtle pattern can be useful when consciously turned around.
… Hint: My specialised Yogacara Astrology System sessions are designed to help with all of these!…
What is Subtle Self-Sabotage?
That last #3 Point, above, is my Specialty

This type of sabotage is subtle
It can have you doing
all the wrong things
all the right reasons
It may seem
logical, rational, practical…
But it keeps you from living the life that would allow your Spirit to soar
I spent many years brain-storming, and working with people in all-day sessions, gathering the many pieces of the sabotage-jigsaw-puzzle, trying to find the source of the picture the pieces were making… And eventually I found it!
Back in the late 1980s, I deduced that a controversial piece of our solar system (largely ignored by both astrologers and astronomers) was in resonance with the source of the sabotaging problem in the brain — but I didn’t then know exactly why… But I do now!
The answer evolved in stages spanning 36 years of research, and also involved the help of other therapists such as specialist kinesiologists and gifted spiritual mediums, as well as invaluable feedback from my clients and students.
All results were validated via the asteroid software I was using for my research — special thanks to Mark Pottenger (USA, via his CCAstEph chart program with collectable asteroid files, and now his CWAstEph Asteroid App), Stephanie Johnson (Australia, Solar Fire with its Asteroid Aspects listings within unlimited custom asteroid categories), Albert Timashev (Russia, via his Phaethon asteroid software), and David Cochrane (USA, Cosmic Patterns Software with extra Asteroid disks).
And not to forget the extraordinary efforts of Alois Treindl of Astrodienst (Switzerland, the ‘grandfather’ of computer & asteroid ephemerides for astrological software developers).
By combining Buddhist Yogacara Psycho-Philosophy (as a practising Buddhist) with Western astrology I’ve been able to develop a revolutionary system of astrological interpretation.
Via my specialised use of thousands of asteroids describing your mindstream, I’m now able to not only pinpoint your highest purpose, involving your entire chart, but to also uncover the deeply buried past-life scenarios that are the source of these subtle sabotage imprints that may be lurking in your brain. This is an evidence-based system!
This is the most
comprehensive birthchart analysis
offered anywhere !
… because I’m CRAZY enough to do this amount of work and research!
…But it’s not for everyone…
A book series and a series of courses are on the way.
My entire system will be covered in the future in my
Yogacara Professional Astrology Course
And so
I’ve gone into semi-retirement now to finish the book series first.
This means I have a backlog for personal Yogacara Astrology sessions.
If you are interested in a session, I can place you on the list,
but I have no idea of exactly when I can be available for you.
Best place for news is via my Resource Newsletter
I won’t be flooding you with emails, as I’m racing to get these books out.
But you’ll be the first to know when they’re available
and when I’m available for new clients.
Thank you for your patience!
to uncover your highest potentials
for mastery in this life
“I am blown away by your vast knowledge, Kerrie!! I have no idea how you store all this information and understand how it all links in together — you truly amaze and inspire me with your brilliance in this area. I feel very fortunate to have worked with you.”
The Purpose for your current lifetime is based on the experiences you’ve had in your previous lives. You have previous talents and abilities, evident in your birth chart, that you can now access and complete for the benefit of others.
I actually reverse-engineer your chart to discover your original purpose for incarnating; and I have developed techniques to uniquely interpret the nuances from a selection of more than 24-thousand asteroids as the body-text — the fine details — of your birth chart, including the echoes of past-life influences and stories. This is a fresh and uplifting interpretation for your 21st century life… And the asteroids never lie!
Your Astrology Chart is a
MAP of your mind-brain interface in
RESONANCE with our Solar System’s
GEOMETRY through the
LENS of the Earth’s Electromagnetic Field
Your Astrology
chart is a
of your mind-brain
interface in
with our
Solar System’s
through the
of the Earth’s
Electromagnetic Field
to gain deeper INSIGHTS
into your complex LEVELS of MIND,
to guide the reversal of OLD PATTERNS
that no longer serve your Purpose
The advanced 4th-century system of
— The Yogacara Doctrine of Mind —
is superbly successful for this purpose,
and still highly relevant today!
I was astonished to find that
Yogacara dovetails perfectly
with my interpretation of astrology,
based on more than three decades
of my intensive research;
and this is why I chose the term
Yogacara Astrology for this system.
to take ACTION to fulfill your Purpose;
to access the RESOURCES I’ve laid out for you;
to open your HEART to the possibilities
of WHO & WHAT you can be in this life
Your life is always in your own hands.
The sabotaging Concept is not an easy one to shift,
but awareness is everything, and we have the awareness now.
Never before have we been able to access this
depth of information.
And never before have we had the tools to serve
our Purpose to this high degree.
to enhance your success:
my integrated services
- A series of interconnected in-depth Astrology Sessions
- Astrology & Mind book series
COMING SOON! - Astrology & Mind Courses
COMING after some of my books are out! - Flower Essences | Personalised Formulas
- ExceptionalPurpose Resource blog & newsletter
- RedgateSpace WebDesign
- Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology podcast
More episodes soon!
And 2 episodes of Season 1 are available on YouTube so far:
Purpose & Exceptional Purpose and
Gravity & Your Purpose (& Saturn)
The world changed
in 2008
And has changed again
as of March 2023
From January 26 2008
the entire world had begun a
16-year astrological paradigm
which had highlighted…
But a New 20-Year Paradigm
has Started
From March 23 2023
we were hurled into a new reality:
a 20-year astrological paradigm
which will highlight…
2023 had been a transition year, to test the waters,
with one more dip into the past era coming up in 2024:
Sept 2 to Nov 19 (UT),
just in time for the US Presidential Elections
(yes, scary times, as the US may fall prey
to the old Totalitarian rhetoric from the last paradigm again!).
We can only hope that by then they’ll have had a good taste of the Freedom
they need from the new Aquarian-humanitarian paradigm.
Obvious political results aside, the global paradigm of the past 16 years had necessarily evolved into the era of the solopreneur & small business startup — and this shift will continue into our new 20-year paradigm, from March 2023, where specialist freelancing will become more highly valued, rather than lower-paid steady employment (which may begin to disappear due to AI and AGI !).
This means that if you are to thrive, now and in the future, you must build further on your past work of becoming an ethical, trusted authority in your niche.
This new era will now demand that you express your inherent Purpose through a GREATER VISION to benefit humanity and the planet, globally, whether you work alone or within an organisation.
… INNOVATION and DARING will be our keys.
See my April 7 2023 blog post
(which includes curated videos)
about the eleven areas of our lives that will be disrupted
during this new Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm at
The worst thing you can do
to the world
is not have Faith in Yourself
From a forthcoming book,
The Insidious Saboteur in Your Psyche
by Kerrie Redgate
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Next : Best Fit For You ? ▶︎