Read / Download Kerrie’s AUTHOR INTERVIEW
with Soul Wings® Press (PDF direct, no sign-up)

My mission is to excavate your Past, as deeply as I can dig,
to find the gold and precious gems of your compassion and courage
which have been waiting to be revived in this present life.
Your old skills are being called into action now.
We can explore your reason for incarnating,
your spirit’s deepest motivation that keeps you alive.
And you will see how the events of your life fit together
to lead you to this path.
Below is the experience and the skills I use in this service.
Please note: I am currently in semi-retirement
while I finish writing some of my books.
I will soon return to serving my existing clients
but new clients may have to wait — Apologies!
(But you can sign up to my
occasional newsletter in the Footer menu
for announcements on when I’ll be back)
Astrological Researcher
- began consulting with astrology in 1986, after 10 prior years of astrological study (with two teachers) and ongoing research, while also working for various ‘startups’ (of those times), keeping them on-track ethically (this was great background experience for helping you now with your career)
- developer of a genuinely unique, uplifting system of Astrology as a science of Mind, incorporating Buddhist psycho-philosophy & principles, to assist you with personal spiritual development & life purpose
- a specialist in using astrological interpretation to uncover the personal causes of insidious self-sabotage patterns (unconscious anxiety) that can block your career, talents, personal relationships, & health
- a specialist in using astrological interpretation to design an exceptional career for you beyond the mundane, for your inherent highest life-purpose expression for our times
- pioneered a new way to work with a database of thousands of asteroids (now over 25,000!) as the ‘body-text’ of your astrology chart, thanks to advances in computer software for astrologers (see my Asteroid Software Reviews page)
Career Consultant
Note: What I do sounds so bizarre that people can’t quite get their heads around it, until they actually experience a session. Interpreting the energy frequencies in the Earth’s field affecting your brain at your moment of birth is like reading your DNA—but with with more personal and spiritual detail! Here goes:
- articulating your higher aspirations and potentials while clearly defining your underlying motivation for incarnating (sifting though thousands of asteroid positions for the ‘body-text’ of your life-plan)
- providing you with a positive, insightful, spiritual & pragmatic approach
- encouraging dialogue with you, rather than a monologue of information, maintaining an open, relaxed, light, & often humorous ambience
- relating the ‘why’ of your life-issues and aspirations = Deeper Insight
- focusing mainly on your career/life-purpose direction, and sleuthing-out (to eliminate) subtle-sabotage so you can ‘live your life with exceptional purpose’
Astrology Teacher
- an enthusiastic educator, an astrology teacher since 1991 (after initially teaching some Beginners classes for Garry Wiseman’s course in 1986)
- founded a curriculum based on extensive explorations into the scientific, metaphysical, spiritual, & practical aspects of astrology for practical application for you
- new courses:
Astrology & Mind Courses (personal/career skills via astrology: online late 2022–2023)
Yogacara Professional Astrology (comprehensive; professional astrology skills — no launch date as yet, possibly 2024)
‘Flower Essences: Healing Subtle Mind-Brain Sabotage’ (online — no launch date as yet) - Podcast:
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology Now live via 10 platforms, including Apple Podcasts
Flower Essence Therapist
- personally using flower essences since 1984
- practising flower essence therapist since 1986
- using flower essences from several reputable ranges around the world to supplement my astrology sessions for you
- designer of 70+ comprehensive flower essence formulas (made from various professional ranges) to enhance your exceptional purpose
- speaker at the 3rd International Flower Essence Conference, Sydney Australia 1992
- Please visit my BodhimindEssences.com site for more information on flower essences and my Formulas for you
Award-Winning Author + Book Series
- contributed the chapter ‘Is It the Body Or the Mind That Travels?’ to the award-winning Soul Wings®Press anthology Planet Whispers: Wisdom from Soul Travelers around the World.
National Best Book Awards 2012—USA Book News Award-Winning Finalist: Best Anthology: Non-Fiction (available in paper and ebook formats—my chapter was a little mangled in the audio version!). - contributed a chapter ‘The Astrology of an Essence’ to Ian White’s 1999 book, Australian Bush Flower Healing (on the birth chart of the Alpine Mint Bush essence) (Apologies: the TransWorld editors, for some reason, published my first very rough draft, which was consequently also severely edited!) Now translated into Portuguese, German, & Italian.
- published articles (pre-internet years) in a number of Australian-based magazines
see my new book series website Kerrie Redgate Author—my research series of books, which will be published initially as ebooks (sets of trilogies, and as ‘box sets’) on a number of platforms, scheduled for 2023, to be followed by paper-format versions, and then audio versions with myself narrating. If you are interested, please join my Exceptional Purpose Resource newsletter for updates on availability (and articles, free Resource Guides downloads, and other news of possible interest).
Using the brilliant Scrivener app (available for MacOS, iOS, and Windows) by Literature & Latte—has changed my life as a writer! A dream! (Button is not an affiliate link—I just love these people.)
- If you would like to contribute your deepest questions regarding the topics I’m writing about, you can send e an email via any of my websites on the Contact me page, to let me know what questions you’d like me to answer for you regarding astrology, flower essences, or reincarnation. As my life’s work has involved a huge amount of personal study, clinical research, and brain-storming over the past several decades (as I’ve had so many questions, myself!), I want to share as much as possible with you through my book series!
Podcaster — Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
- Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology podcast was launched with the Trailer on September 9, first episode published on October 7, 2019
- to inspire you toward fulfilling your highest potential
- to give you an idea of what my astrology research has been about and how this may apply to you
- to enlighten people about genuine astrology
- a somewhat random schedule for now, but many more episodes to come! So do subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.
RedgateSpace — Web Design
- Your Exceptional work in the world now needs a cyber home, so I am now offering you my website design services with your astrology chart as the reference point
- designing with your inherent colour resonance (indicated in your birthchart) to suit your work
- avoiding subtle self-sabotage in your website’s design and text / imagery
- See the RedgateSpace Web Design page on my KerrieRedgate.com site
RedgateSpace — Living
- Began clinical research into Black Hat Feng Shui principles for healing spaces from 1993, incorporating it into Astrology sessions—founded new research results to find and clear your subtle self-sabotage in your everyday spaces
- 1994: lectured to Sydney Feng Shui Society (first Feng Shui organisation in NSW—now disbanded)
- now offering the ‘RedgateSpace’ service: home and office advice to clear subtle self-sabotage based on your astrological chart (at least after a BigView session), with basic Feng Shui (Taoist Bagua) principles
- See the RedgateSpace page on my KerrieRedgate.com site
Reiki Teacher (retired)
- Reiki practitioner since 1986
- Reiki Teacher since 1997, to help you fulfill your spiritual potential by further developing your intuition, compassion, and even self-healing ability—skills that are needed for your exceptional purpose
- honouring the authentic Buddhist roots of Reiki
- For more details about Reiki, see my website: Reiki Courses: for Your Exceptional Purpose
Speaker / Educator
- presentations and lectures to various astrological, metaphysical, & conference groups since the late 1980s
- taught unique astrology courses in Sydney 1991–1997; and later in Canberra (new online courses soon).
- only astrologer to speak at 3rd International Flower Essence Conference, Sydney Australia, 1992
- interviewed about astrology, and also flower essences, on Sydney and Canberra radio stations
- featured in double TV episodes of ‘Conversations With Robyn’ in 2006 (series screened on TVS and Foxtel Aurora, Australia), featuring also Dr Neil Hair (more clips from these programs will be available to view on this site soon)
Background Influences

- The Buddhadharma (practising Buddhist, official vows in the Tibetan Tradition from 1996) which has enhanced my abilities to work on a practical spiritual level for you … I had forced my mother to buy me a Buddha statue when I was very young. I read my first Buddhist philosophy book as a teenager in 1973 (a bit hard-going at the time!).
- Special Study: Yogacara Buddhist Psychology (since 1998), which I have combined with aspects of general brain science as the basis for my system of astrology, assisting you to reach for your exceptional purpose
- Taoist Philosophy; also Zen & Macrobiotic studies (since 1976), which have also led to my understanding of the astrological influences in your birth chart
(image: “The Tao”—my first attempt, 30 years ago, at calligraphy with real brush and ink block. This can now be done on an iPad!) - Astrology foundations: Malcolm Utley (Cosmobiology from 1976); Garry Wiseman (Diploma NASOA 1986-7); international live speakers & authors, too many to name. (I’ve been very fortunate to have been led to the best people who had given me a marvellous foundation)
- Astronomy/Cosmology: Thunderbolts Project (Electric Universe model), especially via Wallace Thornhill, Don Scott, and Michael Clarage
- Business inspiration: seminars/books/blogs by: Lionel Fifield (mid-80s), Dr John Demartini, Dale Beaumont, Michael E Gerber, Siimon Reynolds, Napoleon Hill, Guy Kawasaki, Sir Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Stephen Covey, Garr Reynolds, Todd Henry, the CopyBlogger team, Joanna Penn, Jeanine Blackwell, the Flying Solo (Aus & NZ) online community . . .
- Worked in a number of new businesses (from their day 1 or 2!) in the mid-70s to mid-80s in various fields and in various positions (while also singing in rock bands), interacting with customers/clients, often as the face or voice of the company; keeping the companies on track, ethically, for success. A great experience in general career diversity and the effects of ethical strategies, which I can now pass on to you.
- Practising Hatha Yoga since 1968
- And even though I still avoid refined sugar and dairy in anything, I do allow myself two pieces of chocolate mudcake per year, one on my birthday (notice I didn’t say how large they could be!)
- I have been writing since I was 6 years old: poems, then short stories, an illustrated play at age 9; started an unfinished hand-written novel at age 10; lyrics for hundreds of my songs (some published with my last band); two contributions to anthologies (as above); still working on my book series linking astrology and mind (as above)—some ebooks due for publication in late 2024-5 (I will be releasing several at the same time, and also as a box set)
- During the mid-70s to mid-80s, I was a professional rock (+jazz/blues) singer. I will later upload some very roughly recorded live sample pieces from my past to the Music page of my Portfolio Site, where you will presently find my first entirely made on iPad musical piece, Zen of Smooth, with uncharacteristically minimalist vocals (when I was testing the internal mic on my first iPad!) — you may have heard bits of this as my podcast theme. I have a little Buddhist mantra on YouTube (not my rock-singer voice!)—it’s also on one of my Reiki Courses: for Your Exceptional Purpose pages
- Have played guitar since age 10 (an improvisation I created in 1995, 10 years after I’d put the guitar and professional music away) is on the Music page of my Portfolio Site); I now have an electric piano again!
- Avid Steve Morse fan!
- Doctor Who fan since I was a little kid (when the series first screened in Australia in black & white in the late-1960s). The asteroid #3325 TARDIS is at my Sun–Moon midpoint, and also at my Jupiter–Pallas Athena midpoint! Favourite Doctors (in order of appearance): Tom Baker (one of the originals and the longest running Doctor), David Tennant (brought the life back into the role), Matt Smith (surprisingly nailed it, for one so young!), and Peter Capaldi (the quintessential cranky Doctor!) … Sadly, like many others, I’d abandoned the new 2018 reboot of the show with a female Doctor, absent of any backstory to the original narrative (and a seriously ugly TARDIS!). And the new 2023/2024 series is no longer screening on the Australian ABC (a BBC decision, it went to the Disney Channel! — a travesty! 😔. Steven Moffat is my favourite Dr Who screen-writer: genius.
- Non-fiction books are my greatest attachment (thank heavens for ebooks and audio books or I would have needed a much bigger apartment!)
- A practising (official) Buddhist by lifestyle and philosophy (Tibetan Buddhist, and moving now back toward Zen); and a 40+ years student of Taoist Philosophy
- Kiva is my favourite non-profit organisation (not a charity, more of a solution): “Empower people around the world with a $25 loan”
- Happy to say I am not on FaceBook!
- I’ve had many dear friends in this life, including horses, dogs, cats, birds, fish, geckoes, water dragons, and cows. . . I don’t eat them! All life is precious (cockroaches, mosquitoes and only bothersome spiders are escorted outside in a special jar; and little geckoes are welcome to stay). A bug’s life may not mean much to you, but it means a hell-uv-a lot to the bug.
If you really want to know more about my various pursuits,
you’ll find more on my Portfolio Site
Or listen to my podcast :
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology
for the Astrological & Spiritual facets of my research
into Living with Exceptional Purpose
(on most platforms)