Buy Your Personal
Asteroids List

Kerrie Redgate logomark (white font)

Your Complete List
of 25,031 Asteroids

Pay worldwide with

VISA, MastercardAmex,
CUP (China), JCB (Japan)
plus wallets:
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, WeChat Pay,
plus bank redirect debits:
EPS, giropay, Przelewy24, iDeal, Bancontact

Powered by Stripe

And also Osko/PayID
for Australian cash transfers

The Asteroid Order Form is below


  • This is not an automated service, and may take me a couple of days to get to your list, though it’s usually sooner.
  • You will be emailed a receipt via Stripe, on my behalf, instantly on card payment.
  • Cash Transfer in Australia only: You can also pay by immediate cash transfer using Osko/PayID — see the Payment Options below.
    IMPORTANT: Please type into your PayID form what the cash is for, so I can match it to your order.

ALTERNATIVELY for my astrology clients

The day after you’ve had a BigView Yogacara Astrology session with me, you will be emailed a FREE copy of your personal full (to date) Asteroid list (as your asteroid list has already been calculated for the session).
But if you had already bought your list within a month before your BigView astrology session, you’ll receive a free updated copy after the next monthly list update that I receive from Mark Pottenger.

Buying Your Personal Asteroid List

If you are somewhat astrology-literate,
Or simply want to see what asteroid names are out there …

Thanks to the decades-long dedication of Mark Pottenger in helping astrologers access asteroids for our work, I can now offer you a pdf file of your personal list of 25,031 (as of Jan 16, 2024 — the list grows monthly!) named asteroids, calculated from Mark’s CWAstEph Asteroid app.

You can also order these Lists
for your client work or
research projects

To create a searchable PDF output, I’ve selected to replace the zodiac glyphs with the first two letters of the names of the Signs (for some, it’s the first and third). This is a great Option, and also makes the Signs, themselves,  searchable (such as “13Ar”) for quick navigation through the pages.

I’ve selected Single Column sets (as in the example image here) rather than double sets (two asteroids per row) on the page, to ease confusion and add space on the right for your textbox notes.

Output includes the Asteroid ID Number, Asteroid Name, Zodiac position (with R when retrograde), Declination, and Travel.

Choose your list(s) type:

  • Zodiac order positions (from Aries to Pisces)
    for AU$25
    360˚  Sort (the most practical—see below)
  • or both Zodiac and Alphabetical listings (2 PDFs)
    for AU$40
    (though I don’t think the Alphabetical list is necessary if the PDF is searchable—see below)
  • or both Zodiac and a 30˚  Sort listings (2 PDFs)
    for AU$40
    (30˚  sort is also named Degree In Signs—see below)

Still got a question?

You can email me here

Sample page Asteroids-Zodiac list | Mark Pottenger CWAsteph App 2025Jan

Sample page: zodiac listing from CWAstEph Asteroids App

Showing here a single full page of the asteroids in a Zodiac degrees sort file. The entire list (from Aries to Pisces) is 310 A4 pages, and best viewed in digital format.


Zodiac Order

  • Vital, as it allows you to quickly find the resonant asteroids closely Aspecting your planets and Sensitive Points by checking a 2˚  sweep on either side of a planet or Point (planets and Sensitive Point positions are listed in this sort amongst the zodiac positions of the asteroids). With basic astrological skill, you can then scroll to the zodiac position of any Aspect you choose (use the thumbnail view for faster scrolling), or search the degree number with the abbreviated sign, as in 24Pi (24-degrees Pisces) to see what asteroids are there.
  • Example: a planet at 3˚  Aries will have squares to it at 3˚  Cancer and 3˚  Capricorn, so scrolling to those latter two positions will reveal all the asteroids squaring that planet
    But remember, only the significant asteroids will relate to the basic chart dynamics — they must make sense to the chart’s story.
    — So not all asteroids at those points will be relevant. It is important that you understand the dynamics of the basic chart first before applying any asteroids.

Alphabetical Lists

  • An Alphabetical list on its own will not help you to easily find the asteroid groupings resonating at a particular degree in your chart, so I’ve included it as an optional bundle with the Zodiac List. But I really don’t think you need it.
  • Also, Alphabetical listing is not strictly necessary, because you can use the ‘Find/Search’ button in your pdf viewing app (such as Preview on Mac; or Adobe Reader and even the Kindle desktop app on Windows) to search for the name of any asteroid you’re looking for in the Zodiac listing.

Searching for Asteroid Names

  • You can try by typing a few letters, as some spellings are in foreign languages (the more common ‘Tutankhamun’ is spelled Tutenchamun as an asteroid); and surnames (such as ‘Devine’) can work phonetically in the chart.
  • If you want to search for a very short word such as Ur (an ancient city of Sumer), type a space in front of the word and be sure to capitalise the first letter, and do NOT put a space after the word. You will still get a list of a number of names, but most will at least START with that capital letter followed by the rest of the word, rather than getting every asteroid name that contains “ur” in it somewhere! With this Asteroid App’s PDF in Preview, I found putting the name in inverted commas didn’t work, but it may work in your PDF reader (I don’t use AdobeReader), so give it a try.

Making Margin Notes

  • In the single column-block page format (rather than two columns) there is enough white space beside the asteroids information for notes.
  • In Preview (Mac) click the Markup icon, then the Text icon to write a note in a text box and slide the box to be beside the relevant asteroid. Highlight the text you’ve written to format the font in the text box only (for size, font family, and colour). I type references to both the meanings and Aspects as text notes there, such as “Ur: one of 1st ancient cities of Sumer: Sumeria | sqr Moon; trine Asc”, etc.
  • If you have an Apple Pencil on an iPad you may be able to scribble notes into that wide margin. (As a Mac person, I’m not familiar with what you can do to edit PDFs in Adobe etc on Windows now.)
  • You can also colour-highlight the asteroid names that are significant as you find them — easier to spot them later in the list.

Searching for Meanings

  • Try right-clicking on an asteroid name to quickly access a search for the asteroid name in Google/DuckDuckGo, etc (as per your existing search engine of choice in your browser), Dictionary, or Wikipedia. Asteroid names can work more personally or phonetically rather than for their intended meaning, so do a general search first, and check the relevance of those odd ones to the whole chart. (More in my forthcoming book series and in my 2026 online courses.)

Please Consider !

  • Contrary to popular practices, the asteroids that do not Aspect planets, the luminaries, or Cardinal and Sensitive Points or the resonant Eight Transneptunian/Uranian Points, are not relevant — remember, asteroids qualify the planets and Points they contact. Not all asteroids will resonate in every chart! just as not every word in a dictionary will appear in every book, and not every black or white key on the piano will be played in every composition.
  • Also, keep all asteroid orbs to within 2°! Their effect tends to fall off after that.


  • I don’t recommend you print the list, as it’s just over 300 A4 pages! You’ll need almost a ream of paper and a goodly dollop of ink!

Payment Options

  • All prices are listed in Australian dollars (A$). (Lucky you if you’re in the UK, EU, or USA!) The Currency Converter on the left is intended to give you a reasonable idea of my A$ fees in your currency. The final transaction may vary slightly.
  • In the Stripe checkout page, you should see the price in your own card’s or location’s currency. So you will know exactly what you are paying. This price includes a 4% conversion fee for non-Australian cards.
  • Credit/Debit card payments: Cards available are VISAMastercard,  American ExpressCUP (China), JCB (Japan), and WeChat Pay.
  • Apple Pay and Google Pay are now available for all purchases here via Stripe on your devices that you have set up for those services. For Apple Pay, you must be using the Safari browser and a device that is running macOS 10.14.1+ or iOS 12.1+ or iPadOS.
  • Bank transfers: EPS, giropay, Przelewy24, iDeal, Bancontact
  • International & Australian Credit and Debit Card payments are processed securely by Stripe via the payment buttons below.
    — Your payment details do not touch my server. (I never see your card details.) Stripe will instantly email you a confirmation receipt on my behalf. And I will also receive an email notification from Stripe at the same time.
  • Australian bank transfer payments can be made via Osko / PayID on your banking institution’s website/app for an instant cash transfer with no bank fees, usually via your banking insitution’s mobile app.
    No BSB, etc, required. And you should not have to be signed up for PayID to make a payment.
    Check with your Australian bank, building society, or credit union, as most had implemented PayID from 2018.
    (Note, some institutions use Osko, by BPay, to service PayID, so it may be in that name.)
    ! Don’t forget to include what the payment is for, on the payment form: example “Asteroid Order”, and with your name if your bank account is in a name other than the one on your order form.
    Paying with card via Stripe will automatically add you to my mailing list via For all other payment methods, I will manually subscribe you to keep you in the loop.
    … If you don’t want to receive my occasional newsletter, which also includes alerts and links to my latest podcast episodes (Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology), online courses launch dates, book series publishing dates, and Resource blog posts, please let me know and I will unsubscribe you, manually, or you can easily Unsubscribe in the footer of the Welcome email you’ll recieve from me via Sender.

step 1



I won’t need to calculate your chart, but will need your TIME ZONE of birth
If you don’t know if it was Summer/War time, etc, try

Good to take a screenshot of your filled form as you might pick up later
if you’d made an error — let me know asap, if you had. Thank you!

Choose your List Option

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and Terms of Service apply

step 2


for Your ASTEROID LIST(s) Order

Emailed to you as a PDF
~308 pages (approx 1.1MB)
Please allow up to 2 days for delivery

For non-Australian currencies:
My checkout page will show the amount
in your own currency,
with an additional conversion fee
of 4% included in the total.


Credit/Debit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, Amex,
& Apple Pay, Google Pay), Link, WeChat Pay, & EPS, iDEAL, gyropay, Bancontact, Przelewy24


Australian Instant Cash Transfer:
via PayID (explanation ↑
on the Osko/PayID page of your
banking institution’s app/website,
using only my phone number:
+61-431325577 (or: 0431325577)
My name
(Kerrie Redgate) should then be visible in the form to validate that number.

Zodiac Listing only

Your Personal Asteroid List

A$25 digital pdf

2 Lists: Zodiac & Alphabetical

Your Personal Asteroid Lists

A$40 digital pdfs

2 Lists: Zodiac & 30˚Sort (Degrees in Signs)

Your Personal Asteroid Lists

A$40 digital pdfs

Thank you.
I’ll get onto your list(s) asap!

Look for my domain email
(containing my name in the address)

Kerrie Redgate