Asteroid Software

My Asteroid Software Reviews
for Serious Astrology Work

If you are an astrologer or astrological researcher,
you may like to check these software applications, below.

I have personally used
CWAstEph, Sirius, Solar Fire, Astro Gold,
and the now abandoned Phaethon project
(which was terrific in its day!).

And I do use Windows apps on my Mac!
(see below)

CWAstEph Asteroid App by Mark Pottenger

✓ My top pick

Windows-based software for asteroid calculation only (making it also more affordable for asteroid work).
While this is a stand-alone Asteroids Calculation app, Mark also has a CCRS Horoscope app that integrates with it (which I used to use in my Windows days). So, you have the choice of software for full astrology chart work, but you don’t need a chart calculation app to use this CWAstEph software. This gives you the advantage of choice.

The CWAstEph Asteroid App is really super easy to use, with a single page input and very few fields to fill in (though, you’ll need to remember to change the birth time/date to its UT/GMT time as the input for the calculations).

You have choices as to what kind of list you want to calculate (zodiac, alphabetical, and by degree sort) and a number of choices for which available sets of asteroids you want in the file, including the entire set of Named asteroids, which I recommend. You can also create your own asteroid sets with the bundled ASTNUM app!

1CWAstEph comes with the full set of Named asteroids, and is updated every month or so by Mark Pottenger, himself!

As of March 18 2025, this full list now contains 25,208 asteroids including some far objects (beyond Pluto)!

Choose between Astrological glyphs and abbreviated sign terms (such as “Ar” for Aries as illustrated here) I’ve found that on a Mac, searchable PDFs in Preview require you to opt for the letter notation for the signs, rather than the sign glyphs before calculating.

You can then create PDF files (via your computer’s software) from the output file, with a choice of one column section (one asteroid listing per line, shown here in a partial view), ideal for adding text-box notes, such as aspects or definitions, next to the asteroid; or two column sections (two asteroid listings per line).

Partial Asterpoid List page | CWAstEph App by Mark Pottenger

Portion of a PDF page of the CWAstEph Asteroid App
list in a Longitudinal (Zodiac) sort

Back in the mid-1990s, I had started my asteroid research with Mark Pottenger’s CCRS Astrology program, buying small sets of his asteroid files for that, to slowly build up my collection — it’s been great to have the fullest set possible now via his CWAstEph Asteroid App alongside Astro Gold for MacOS for my chart calculations on my Mac.

I currently run CWAstEph on Windows 11 (you can use an external USB storage drive for Windows, if you prefer) via Parallels 18 on an M1 (Silicon) MacBook Pro running Sonoma macOS. Parallels latest versions 19 and 20 (see promo video below) will run on either a Silicon Mac or previous Intel models, and work with Sonoma +, though the “Print to PDF (Mac Desktop)” option has been deleted and hasn’t been added again, as far as I know. So you can stick with v18 (I got a refund on Parallels v19), rather than updating in a hurry. I have found a way to get around this bug (link below)! I have no idea yet of what the new macOS, Sequoia, will require.

The calculations on my M1 Silicon Mac (including the Zodiac sorting) are very fast. Though, the speed will be determined by your computer’s processor capabilities. CWAstEph will run on earlier versions of Windows as well, on any Windows machine with enough Memory storage, RAM, and processing power (CPU).

My procedure for using CWAsteph on a Mac: BELOW↓

Sirius by Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc

Developers of the Windows-based astrology software programs: Pegasus; Kepler; and especially SIRIUS which has a comprehensive asteroid calculation add-on feature for astrologers.

SIRIUS has the capacity to provide complete listings of all of the astrologically-available officially Named asteroids, available in Zodiac (Longitude) order (necessary for serious asteroid work!), as well as Alphabetical, and in also sorts of various degree orders (such 45˚  for Cosmobiology charts). Though the website claims the Asteroids add-on to have 38,000 asteroids, but that figure includes asteroids that have not yet been officially named. But the Asteroid section of the website might not be up-to-date.

SIRIUS firstly has an optional Asteroid add-on program of files for more than 19,000 Named asteroids (plus thousands of so-far Unnamed asteroids that later may receive names).
Plus, SIRIUS has a feature that automatically downloads extra asteroid files/names (providing you have the Sirius optional extra Asteroid app installed) from the ASTRODIENST website, while you are calculating a list when connected to the internet! So you always have the latest list that is available!

There is also an option in SIRIUS to create a small number of your own category groups of asteroids.

All asteroid listings appear on-screen and are exportable as txt or pdf files.
Before each calculation, you can choose how many columns you want per page, and which information to include, such as Name, ID Number, Longitude, Declaration, Speed, etc… See my procedure and general suggestions, below, under Here’s My Method in the Mac Solutions section.

Cosmic Patterns software applications, developed by David Cochrane, are Windows-based, but also run well with Parallels (+ your own Windows OS) on a Mac. (See my instructions below for running and using these Windows apps on your Mac.) You can also check out David Cochrane’s YouTube videos.

Solar Fire by Esoteric Technologies

Windows-based programs for all systems of astrology. Especially recommended for their comprehensive SOLAR FIRE program, and their Asteroid Add-On category-editing supplemental software, although it only contains 10,000 asteroids and many of those do not yet have names. But this number can be boosted by connecting to the ASTRODIENST site (see below*) for (tediously!) downloading more asteroid files, one file at a time, which I used to do years ago!

SOLAR FIRE does uniquely have great asteroid aspects-to-planets listings within your asteroid category files (plus quite a few categories are supplied for you there) that can, themselves, be easily edited and created (I had built up 300 of my own categories in SOLAR FIRE, though each category is incomplete without all the Named asteroids I had  available in SIRIUS and now CWAstEph — but still very useful for the quick access to asteroid aspects within your categories.

SOLAR FIRE also runs well on Parallels on the Mac (actually, better than on a PC!)

How I saved my own
Solar Fire
Asteroid Category Lists
when I switched to Astro Gold & Mac

  • I was able to save the Asteroid Category files I’d originally made in SOLAR FIRE by accessing them from the C: drive backend files (File Manager) of the Solar Fire app (they are Swisseph files, ending with .ast — look for your own titles for those lists, as they’ll be there together if you choose to view ‘File Type’ as the listing in the Solar Fire back end).
  • As these lists take years or decades to compile, I would suggest you always make copies of these files by copy&pasting them into a thumb drive or external SSD. You can later paste them from that drive anytime if you switch to a Mac.
  • I copied the files as above and when I switched to Mac, I pasted them to a folder on my Mac desktop. They should open OK, but if not, try right-click on the file icon and choose “Open with >TextEdit” (they will then be .txt files). If you have Astro Gold (or Windows apps like Sirius or Solar Fire) on your Mac already, the Mac will recognise the .ast file extension. If you have an old version of MS Wordpad (sad that it’s gone), it can reformat the .ast files into .rtf files for you.
  • I then opened each .ast file individually, highlighted the listed content, copy-&-pasted the content into an  individual file in my Apple Notes app inside an ‘Asteroid’ folder (the default choice listing is Title) for easy access when I’m researching charts, so I don’t forget all the ones I can look up in a particular category in clients’ asteroid lists. And I’ve been adding to those original category lists, and creating new ones, ever since.
  • As an aside: the Notes app content is also accessible across your Apple devices. This means you can open individual category files in Notes on an iPad while you’re studying an asteroid list on-screen on your computer, or when doing an online computer session with a client. And you can also drop in  images next to any asteroid names in Notes. 
Asteroid Birds category -sample (Kerrie Redgate)

One of my original asteroid category files in Solar Fire,
opened on my Mac desktop, easy to copy&paste its
contents into a file in my Mac’s Notes app.

  • In Solar Fire, many years ago, I used their Wheel Designer to reduce the size of glyphs, and the spacing and sizes of the degree notation, bunching them all up closer to the wheel rim; and I reduced the size of the inner circle (I don’t use aspect lines on the chart) to accommodate only the House numbers. This allowed me to create a basic chart with heaps of white space in the centre for asteroids to be drawn in by hand, which I write radially from their degree position on the wheel.
  • And I was able to load that SOLAR FIRE wheel into SIRIUS and also later into ASTRO GOLD!
  • I now print the basic charts on A3 paper so I can scribble in up to 200 asteroids! But I think I may need something bigger soon, like wall!

Astro Gold by Cosmic Apps, Pty Ltd

I am including Astro Gold here, as this astrology chart calculation software for Mac also now includes 131 asteroids (after the addition of another 80, as of August 26 2024). And the app is being continually updated and expanded, so I’m expecting more asteroids to arrive later — the limit may also be due to the necessity of icons to be assigned to asteroids, so they can be placed on the wheel (I scribble their names in on a printed A3 Astro Gold chart, by hand, from the asteroid data files I get from Mark Pottenger’s CCAsteph).

This is my chart calculation app of choice. Runs natively on Apple devices.

Astro Gold has versions for Mac desktop, iOS devices, and also Android. But at this stage, only the Mac desktop version (possibly due to the large size of asteroid ephemerides) has the extra asteroids (apart from the six that are often included in astrology apps), which can be individually chosen (as a selection file) and shown on the chart wheel via their icons, and also in the Aspects listing, using their icons.

This app can be helpful if you are just starting out with asteroids and want to ease in slowly. It has a clean open interface, offering many useful features without being bloated or complicated.

Astro Gold is available internationally, and has Support people in various countries. 

Astrodienst AG

A website (pronounced “astro-deenst”), not an app, but they have been preparing raw astronomical data, for decades, for software developers to use in all types of astrology software applications. And, like Mark Pottenger, they have also been preparing asteroid data for us.

You can view the full list of available asteroids on their site page All Named Asteroids with links to the NASA-JPL page for further astronomical information on each asteroid.

There is a download section of ASTRODIENST‘s website for downloading individual asteroid files for use in astrology apps that calculate asteroids. So, if you already have the bulk asteroids CDs/files in SOLAR FIRE, you can add more to the Solar Fire backend in File Manager. Remember, without their asteroid software, you won’t be able to use these asteroid files, as they need to be manually placed into the correct asteroid folders in your app’s file manager. You can find the download page HERE.

A practical warning about asteroid downloads from ASTRODIENST ! :
Never download complete asteroid folders from the ASTRODIENST listings as they contain a huge number of Unnamed Asteroid files along with some Named ones, and this will bloat your software and computer’s storage drive and calculation capacity (your calculation app might even freeze under the strain), plus it places a strain on Astrodienst’s server. I don’t think there is a way to differentiate the Named ones as yet, but keep checking in with them. (In the olden days, I used to hand-pick and download every file I needed by it’s ID number, which you still need to do in ASTRODIENST! It’s a labour of love.)

ASTRODIENST will now allow you to download up to 3,000 asteroids in one 24-hour period (any more can overtax their server). But, again, I suggest you stick to only the ones that are pertinent, as you need them. It’s very tedious!

This recent video interview, below, with Alois Treindlthe founder of Astrodienst, recorded by Chris Brennan on May 24 2018, is a rare look at the beginnings and purpose of Astrodienst and its services. You may not be aware of what has gone on behind the scenes within the global astrology community since the 1980s, and how significant, and indeed vital, Alois Treindl’s contribution has been to astrology software, generally.

Video interview with Alois Treindl
Founder of Astrodienst

Founder of Astrodienst. Recorded by Chris Brennan on May 24 2018. A rare look at the beginnings and purpose of Astrodienst and its services. You may not be aware of what has gone on behind the scenes within the global astrology community since the 1980s, and how significant, and indeed vital, Alois Treindl’s contribution has been.

You can find Astrodienst at

Mac Solutions:
Running Windows Apps on a Mac

It is possible to run Windows apps on your Mac.
There are two different ways to do this

  • FIRST OPTION: if you still have an Intel-based Apple computer (iMac, MacBook, or Mac, before the M series Silicon Apple computers that were released in 2022), you can partition part of your computer’s storage drive to install Boot Camp for free from the Apple site.
    Boot Camp is an interface that runs like a separate computer allowing you to add the Windows Operating System to a partitioned area of your Mac’s storage drive. But you have to provide the Windows 10 OS, so you’ll have to hunt around for that as Micrsoft no longer sell that version.
    The downside is that you will always have to reboot your computer between using the macOS and WindowsOS, as though they are two separate computers.
    So if you use the Mac side of your computer for your astrology work, you’ll need to put the asteroid PDF you calculate onto a thumb drive, or send it to a cloud storage service (Dropbox, Sync [], ProtonDrive [], etc), to download the asteroids PDF onto your Apple desktop.
    You will find complete instructions for Boot Camp here:
  • The BETTER OPTION: Download a ‘virtual machine‘ (VM software) on your Mac to mimic a computer.
    This is software that runs on your Mac’s desktop like an app, and simulates a Windows computer.
    It provides an interface between the macOS and WindowsOS.
    There are several Virtual Machines you can try, depending on whether your Apple computer has the original Intel or the new Silicon chip.
    Though, apparently Fusion by VMware will run on both Intel and Silicon based Macs. I have not tried Fusion, myself, so can’t advise here. It is premium software. But if I do try it, I’ll report back here.
    I had initially tried a couple of the free ‘open source’ virtual machines and gave up (they might be better now.). Just too complicated to install (some YouTube videos do exist now to help with this). So, if you’re fairly tech-savvy, you can check those VMs out via SourceForge, the best site for getting legitimate open source software.
  • The VM software I have been using is Parallels. It is premium software, but may be worth the expense, if you want an easy installation.
    It provides a smooth virtual machine that is an interface between macOS and Windows where you can have Windows sitting on your desktop at any size like an app. You can then drag and drop files between the two desktops!
    — Just be aware, you’ll need plenty of free disk space to add Parallels + Windows + the CWAsteph asteroids to your Mac — but it is possible to put Windows (and the Asteroid App) on an external storage drive with only Parallels on the Mac. 

Parallels for Mac Promo Video
for a quick overview

There are other ‘virtual machines’ out there, even free Open Source ones, but Parallels is the easiest to use as it runs Windows like an app on your Mac desktop and integrates seamlessly with your printer, Mac desktop, and Mac clipboard. But it’s premium software with a one year license for support (have to say, not great support!), but you can continue to use it (without Support) well after the license expires, if you don’t choose the ‘Subscription’ option.

As Parallels is Virtualisation software
(a ‘virtual machine’)
that runs from an icon in your Mac’s Dock,
there is happily no rebooting of your operating systems
when you’re switching from one to the other.
Windows can be treated like any other app
running on your Mac desktop,
even for sharing common file types
by drag & drop.

If Windows is not set to completely full-screen, you can access your Mac apps from the Dock for, say, TextEdit or Notes and drag downloaded files from the Mac Downloads folder straight into folders in Windows and vice versa!

  • Great for downloading updates to the CWAstEph Asteroid App, as you don’t need to have Windows exposed to the internet for the download! You can use the Mac Download option instead, without Windows being open! Then close the internet, open Windows (much faster on a Mac!) and just slide the update file into the Asteroid app icon in Windows and continue the installation as per the instructions.
  • So, if you’re only using Windows for the asteroids, you won’t need Edge or Chrome, and you won’t get Windows viruses or malware.

Even though Apple’s Mac operating system updates are always free (thank you, Apple!), you may want to pay for Parallels updates each year if you upgrade your Mac OS, or Windows OS — but it’s not strictly necessary, although you lose Parallels Support and future updates without the update payment. (Parallels will send an email to remind you to update, plus you may get annoying pop-ups on your Mac when Parallels is open if you’re online.) And you can update any time.

How to Install
Windows & Parallels 

With an older Intel computer, you can use any version of Windows where Parallels (etc) and the macOS version is available to support it.
— But with a Silicon M-series Mac, you will need Parallels 18, 19, or 20(+), as any Parallels version under 18 will not run on Silicon.

  •  First, ON YOUR MAC, install Parallels (or another VM): Parallels includes an auto-Windows-install (you’ll need your Windows license key for this, which you can add there later when you want to use Windows).
  • Then, before you open Parallels and Windows, while the net is still connected, download the Asteroid App,  and its accompanying Astnum app, (and, later, the updates from Mark Pottenger) via Mark Pottenger’s instructions, to the Downloads folder on the Mac side (safer than on the Windows side).
    — This just makes it easier for you to avoid crazy Windows viruses and odd spammy things in Windows.
  • Then SWITCH OFF THE NET (via the wifi connection on your computer, or unplug its ethernet cable)
  • And only then (for safety), click the Parallels icon that is now in your Mac’s Dock.
  • Windows will appear almost instantly, so click the big start icon in the middle of the Windows screen.
  • You can then just drag the downloaded files from your Mac Downloads folder right into the C drive folder in Windows where you can Install them as usual (usually, clicking or double-clicking their icons will bring up the Install box).  Too easy! … You will not need the net at all for Windows.

How to USE the
CWAsteph Asteroid App
(& keep it safe):

When you purchase the CWAstEph App from Mark Pottenger, he provides you with the full installation and use  instructions (not complicated) that you need. So I won’t go into that here. And if you have a Windows computer, you shouldn’t have any probelms at all. 

But if you have a Mac, as I do, there is a way to allow you to take full advantage of this app which will give you the most up-to-date full searchable PDF list of all Named asteroids, updated usually every month (directly from Mark Pottenger).

When you open Windows on your Mac desktop,
it will behave like any other app,
so you can resize it and move it around.
So, for our procedure,
make sure your Mac’s Dock is showing
on the screen when you have Windows open.
You’ll need the Mac TextEdit app icon in your Dock.

  • First thing:
    — Keep internet off.
    — Mark Pottenger provides you with his exclusive CCRSDuo font set (text and astrological glyphs) used in his Asteroid App.
    ! It is vital that you add that CCRSDuo Font to your Mac’s FontBook.
    — Open your FontBook on your Mac desktop
    — You can slide the CCRSDuo file directly from the Asteroid App files in Windows into your open FontBook on the Mac side. You will be asked to install it, as usual, on the Mac. Too easy.
  • Using the Asteroid app in Windows is the same as Mark’s instructions until you get to creating a PDF from the .CWO output file.
  • After installation, you will see the icon for the CWAsteph Asteroid App on your Windows desktop.
    (Remember, in Windows you have to double-click to open things!)
  • There is also another app there, Astnum, from Mark Pottenger, which lets you create your own asteroid group files (Mark provides you with the instructions for that).
  • Calculation:
    For each asteroid calculation file, it is VITAL that you first reconfigure the time of birth as UT/GMT time, adjusting the date as necessary. You don’t need the latitude and longitude as this app does not calculate a birthchart, it’s purely for asteroid positions.
    — The date field is in digits only and seems to pick up the format (M/D/Y vs D/M/Y) mostly, but I’ve noiced it’s sometimes based on your computer’s clock preference, and it has changed for separately calculated files in the one session  — it’s one of those computer-mysteries! So, always double-check the text date on the output file on the app screen to be sure your input was formatted for the correct month and day.
  • The CWAsteroid app’s form fields are easy and simple:
    Date (adjust to UT when necessary)
    UT (birthtime as Universal Time)
    Zodiac (Tropical/Sidereal) 
    Coordinates (8 choices: I use Geocentric)
    Arc (degrees, normally 30º, but you can choose)
    Order (List Order [Alphabetical], Zodiacal Order, Degree in Sign Order [asteroids at 0º to 30º], Latitude Order)
    List (heaps of them — see the documentation; and you can create your own Asteroid lists in the Astnum app to appear here) — Always choose ASTNUM 999 if you want the full set of Named asteroids)
  • Selections at Bottom of the Screen:
    — Select Use text instead of glyphs for the output file (even with the CCRSDuo font installed on both Windows and the Mac, I couldn’t get the glyphs to display in the PDF on the Mac side, and formatting went crazy! But you still need the CCRSDuo font installed on the Mac for the rest of the text and to maintain the columns’ formatting integrity.)
    — You can choose Force one-column print of each asteroid’s data (rather than two columns), so you can add information next to it — Mark Pottenger added this feature for me as I add information on the blank half of the page, as explained below. But you can leave this unticked if you want 2 asteroids’ data per line.
    — The next 2 selections are explained in the documentation.
  • Click Calculate. That’s it!
    — The speed of calculation will depend on your computer. With an M1 MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM, it takes around 40-seconds for a full list of 25,208 asteroids (as of March 18 2025) and in a Zodiac sort. Amazing!
  • Accessing the Calculated List:
    Click on the yellow File Manager folder icon in the Windows dock (or go to C: in File Manager), if that’s where you’d installed the Asteroid app (as per Mark’s suggestion).
  • Open the Asteroids app folder (from wherever you’d installed it).
  • Viewing the files there in Date modified order, you can see a new .CWO file at the top of the list (showing the date & time you calculated the list). This file is unintelligible. So you need to export it.
  • Parallels has deleted the “Print to PDF (Mac Desktop)” option (!), and I couldn’t get “Print to PDF” to work at all on Windows in Parallels. I had tried for 10 months to get a PDF file for my Mac where all the columns would be perfectly intact and the page had tighter margins, rather than being an image in the centre of a big page.
  • !!  Here’s the super-easy solution I finally discovered:
    Simply drag that top .CWO file name/icon, that you just calculated, down (or across, depending on your Mac screen setup) to your Mac’s Dock, dropping it directly into the icon of your TextEdit app there.
  • It usually opens the file automatically (if not, click on the TextEdit icon and you will see the .CWO file. (TextEdit menu: “Format>Wrap to Window” will give a good PDF later). Open the file if needed, make any text changes you want (such as adding your name/business name and email address/URL etc to the header area if it’s for a client — it’s OK to add an extra line or two of text if you need it, as the asteroids on every page will automatically move down a line in the TextEdit version, you won’t lose any).
  • Go up to File (in the Mac TextEdit menu) and slide down to click on Export as PDF. This will open the file in Preview on your Mac. Columns and margins, etc, should be perfect.
  • Rename the PDF file appropriately, Save, and voila! Too easy! (Once that’s all done successfully, you can delete the .CWO txt file in TextEdit on the Mac and in the Asteroid app files in Windows.)
  • You can then store the PDF file where you like, and also share the file as an email attachment, if you wish, for any operating system, as it can also be opened in Adobe Reader. (The PDF will maintain the columns, etc.)

Using the PDF File

  • This PDF is searchable for names and zodiac positions, via the Search Field in Preview.
    — the good thing about not using astrological glyphs in the output, is that degree positions are also searchable for quick access!
    For example, if you want to check what asteroids are trining a planet at 8º Taurus, you can search: 8Cp and the list will scroll to the asteroids at 8º Capricorn for you, then try 8Vi . You can also get to the Pisces end of a Zodiac list quickly, without heaps of scrolling, by searching 0Pi . Easy! (Or scroll through the thumbnails.)
  • Use the Markup option in Preview to highlight significant asteroid names (in the colour of your choice there), and also use the Textbox (you can format the text universally for all textboxes in that file) to create a note beside the asteroid, such as the meaning of/references for the asteroid name and the Aspects the asteroid is making in the chart! A Textbox can be moved around to line up beside the asteroid’s data.
  • So, by using the Search field, you can find the significant asteroids for a chart in the Zodiac listing, making it easy to search the conjunctions and all other Aspects by degree.
    — To speed this process (if you are astrology-savvy!) I also calculate a 30º In-Sign sort for quickly spotting the asteroids that are at the same degree (not Sign) of a chart, as well as any significant asteroids also Aspecting each other (angles are via their Signs) to fill in the story of the aspected planet.
    — For the orientation of my own work, which is more spiritually-based, I only use conjunctions and the other six Aspects that are multiples of 30º.

This Was My Setup for SIRIUS ON MY MAC:
—there may be newer versions now that could differ from this procedure

  • I originally ran Parallels (the older version 10) on an i5 (Intel) Macbook Air, with 8GB RAM on the machine; and I ran ol’ Windows XP and Sirius on an external hard drive to save space on my Mac — this slows the calculation down by about double the time, but this is still only a couple of minutes.
    [March 2023 Note: I now have an M1 MacBook Pro and have updated to Parallels 18 and Windows 11 which will run on M1 Silicon — and I’m no longer using Sirius [see CWAstEph above], but Sirius will still run on Windows via a virtual machine app.
  • I used SIRIUS for the complete asteroid files (making sure my computer was connected to the net when calculating asteroid files so that any extra available asteroids would be automatically downloaded into SIRIUS);

Here’s the Method I’d Used for Sirius:

(Though there may have been updates since then)

To calculate a complete Asteroid List file in SIRIUS — this will only work if you have bought the optional extra Asteroid Add-On Files for SIRIUS:

  1. First calculate the natal chart
  2. Go to the Listing tab in the top menu:
  3. Choose Planets or Asteroids Positions List
  4. Then My Asteroids List > revealing the Customizable Asteroid List pane:
    Here you can customise the output of your list by selecting — if you don’t want to change this every time, your customisations will become the default, so you only have to do this once:
  • The Order of the List: Alphabetical or Zodiac (the Zodiac Listing also shows the planetary and Moon’s Nodes positions)
    (I first choose Longitude to give the Zodiac positions for easy access to conjunctions and obvious aspects to planets, etc.)
  • How you want the listing Sorted by Degrees: 360º,  180º, 120º, 90º, 60º, 45º, or 30º
    For example, a pure zodiac listing from Aries to Pisces is the 360º listing,
    An aspect listing, for example, 120º will show all asteroids huddled together that produce conjunctions and trines to any planetary position or point you’re investigating by its zodiac degree;
    90º will show the squares, conjunctions, and oppositions, all huddled together on the list … etc.
    The zodiac signs are there so you can see what the obvious aspects would be (and you can choose to show the actual astrological glyphs or not).
  • I calculated two sets: one in pure longitude (Zodiac listing), and the other in the 30˚  listing to put all aspecting asteroids side by side (as I use all the angles that are multiples of 30˚, being the 360˚  harmonic of the natural circle divided into 12 — I don’t use sesquiquadrates and quintiles, etc., as they can’t be used to resonate with the harmony of the chart)
  • Choose Data: I keep it simple by requesting only the Asteroid Name, Zodiac (Longitude) position, and ID Number. This also makes the calculation process much faster (as I don’t require the other information columns)
  • Number of Columns of Asteroids per page (I use one, as I can add comments beside asteroids via textboxes in Preview on the Mac);
  • Lines per page (for formatting a printed copy — if you have a ream of paper and plenty of ink to spare!)
  • Then choose Over 18,000 named asteroids from the right-side list).
  • When the asteroids appear (generally only a minute or two!), I Copy it (under the little SAVE  icon in the top-right side column of the now visible chart pane > Select & Copy All Text To Clipboard).
  • Then I open a blank TextEdit page, right from my Mac’s dock, choose Format > Wrap to Window (so you don’t lose asteroids between pages if wrapped to  ‘Page’ — this happens!)
  • Paste the asteroids directly from the clipboard into a blank TextEdit page on the Mac side  (which maintains the columns and glyphs formatting). If you prefer, you can also ‘Select All’ ⌘A and BOLD the text ⌘B.
  • DO NOT change the font for the list or you will lose the Sign glyphs. But you can change the format of the Information text at the top of the first page by highlighting it.
  • For a personal touch for clients, I used to type ‘via Kerrie Redgate’ with my site URL (which can be chosen as a live link via the menu) in the first page header section as well.
  • I am then ready to save that TextEdit file as a PDF file (File > Export as PDF).
  • Name the file, then you can delete the TextEdit copy. This PDF can be saved to your Mac’s desktop for immediate work with that file or emailed to the client, etc — all seemless, no rebooting!

You may think you don’t need the full set of Named asteroids, but would you really want to miss out on some of the newer ones such as #249521 Truth? Truth was the 249,521st asteroid to be discovered (there are millions up there, most without names yet!), so would not likely show up in smaller sets of asteroids provided by some software developers.

Lastly, I keep a PDF of my personal asteroid list, in Zodiac order, in my Apple Books app, so the list is available to me on all my Apple devices. So, when references pop up in life, I can look them up in real time. (Ever the researcher!)

It may seem like a lot of extra work (it is!),
but asteroids never lie, and

If you’re not using asteroids,
you’re guessing !

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The above software applications are listed as recommendations for your consideration only. Kerrie Redgate is not financially affiliated with these software companies and can in no way be held responsible for your use of the above listed software or dealings with these companies, though they are recommended in good faith and from personal experience.

MacMacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions.
Windows, Windows10, and Windows11 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.
Intel is the global trade name of Intel Corporation, incorporated in Delaware, U.S.A..
Parallels International PmbH is a subsidary of Alludo (Cascade Parent Limited) formerly Corel Corporation.