Before You Book
your first session…


It’s important to access the Privacy page on this site, and read especially the very reasonable Terms & Conditions section for our mutual benefit. It won’t take long.
But if you don’t agree with it, you shouldn’t proceed!  (You can let me know why, though.)
You will be asked to confirm you have read the T&C before you complete your Booking Form.


It’s VITAL! that you do everything possible to find your accurate birth time.
A 15-minute leeway won’t bring you the result you’re after; and makes my job really, really hard!

Try to have your birth time confirmed from various sources:

  • birth certificate (in some enlightened countries!)
  • hospital record (worth calling them)
  • your Baby Book
  • your hospital wrist band! (some mothers keep these!)
  • family memories (prod and pry!)

If you have a problem finding your accurate birth time, even if you have no idea at all, please contact me for more unorthodox suggestions, such as:


If you are located for access to Brisbane Qld (contact me for details)  or Melbourne Victoria, in Australia, I can recommend two kinesiologists who also have the flower essences necessary for accurate birth time checks.  
(If you are a kinesiologist, anywhere in the world, interested in doing this kind of work, please contact me for some important details).


It will help us both if you conscientiously fill in the fields in the Booking Form about what you are hoping to achieve in the session(s); and particularly what areas you have already been working in or studying, if you’re after guidance for career/life-purpose direction.

Before I begin investigating the asteroids in your birth chart, I need to know where you are up to with it right now. Some clients are still hanging about at the familiar security base of their chart, while others have already built a bridge to the new life at the top, but are needing some tweaking to discover their unique niche in that area. 

Your answers will give me a starting point and a solid direction for my investigation—
I don’t want to waste your time talking about steps you’ve already taken. 


  • I can offer Online Skype Sessions,
    (the most convenient choice)
    I can record your session via Skype, (though,
    Microsoft/Skype stores the file in its cloud for 30 days),
    but I will strip the video from the file and send you
    the audio-only as a collection of up to 1-hour each files,
    for your convenience within  day or two after your session.
    Your audio files will be stored, for up to a week only, in my
    secure, encrypted ProtonDrive for your download.
  • No Skype (Microsoft) account? No problem: 
    You can join a private Skype Meeting with me
    via the unique link I’ll email to you the day before,
    if you can use one of these browsers:
    Microsoft EdgeGoogle Chrome (latest version), SafariOpera
  • Otherwise, you’ll need to
    download the Skype app
    for the Skype Meeting app to work
  • FaceTime video is possible, but I will need to record the session
    audio (with my M1 MacBook Pro speakers on during the session)
    via another external device.
  • Then I will edit the audio as above and add to my Proton Drive
    for a week for your download .

Now You’re Ready to Begin the Process

  1.   When you have your birth details together (date, place, time), click on any one of the BigView Form buttons on my websites (there are two on this page)
  2. This takes you to the relevant Astrology Booking Form page on this site, where you can fill in all your details online. (There are also spaces there for including detailed comments — the more I know about your situation and present needs, the more research I can do for you via the asteroids in your birth-chart).
    Your Booking Form is delivered to my encrypted Swiss email account that I use only for that purpose (no US servers)
  3. I will then email you within 48 hours of receiving your Booking Form to arrange an appointment date & time
  4. You can then send me the deposit fee for the session (50% of the total session fee — see the Astrology Fees page on this site for all fees, online credit/debit card processing and other options); or pay the full amount, if you prefer — both payment buttons are available on the Fees page (also in the Payments tab in this site’s menu)
  5. I will then research your birth chart the day before your session (as long as the deposit has been received), using your freshly calculated personal list of just under 25,000 asteroids—being the currently available list for astrological work from the asteroids that have been officially named and registered via the Minor Planet Center (MPC). I will be searching for the specific asteroids that are resonating with the rest of your birth chart. (This takes me the better part of a day or two, but is worth the effort.)

The BigView Session

On the day of your session, click the private Skype Meeting link I’d emailed to you in advance (or open your Skype app and click that link there) at our appointed time, and I’ll be there ready for you. Make sure to click the video icon on, so we can see each other. Or call me on FaceTime.

You will spend approximately 3 hours with me (via Skype voice or video call on the net; or FaceTime) in session #1: BigView, for a thorough overview of your chart, highest purpose, relevant past-ilfe information, and any self-sabotaging areas.

Prior to the session, I will email you your JPG image of your basic computer-generated astrology chart; plus a Glyph Keys pdf for matching all the astrology glyphs to their names and shapes on your computer chart, for your reference.


After the Session

  1. You pay the balance of the session fee immediately after the session has been completed (if not already paid in advance)
    online: via my website; or my email invoice button if I’d sent an invoice via Stripe; or Australian cash transfer via Osko/PayID (see the Payments pages of this site for details).
  2. Usually within 24 hours, I will send you an encrypted link in an email (please do check your Junk folder or Gmail tabs!) to your private temporary folder in my account, so you can download the following (either as the entire folder or as individual files) —
  • your MP3 audio file(s) of our session (usually less than 100MB) from my account. (You are welcome to also record the session live, yourself, on your own device.)
  • a JPG image of my ‘messy’ work-copy of your birth-chart containing the asteroids (scribbled in by name) that we’d discussed
  • a PDF list of personal Suggested Resources of anything I had mentioned during your session (such as book titles, videos, podcasts, websites, software, or references to teachers, courses, therapists, etc)
  • a PDF of your entire personal Asteroid List in zodiac order (360 A4-size pages, so don’t print it!)

Later Options following the BigView session

  1. Session #2: ‘InnerView’
    If you haven’t already done so, you can then decide at your leisure when and if you’d like to book the next session (for 1 hour or 2 hours).
    While the BigView session covered the Outer You, the InnerView session covers the Inner You, adding more of the finer details so you can take advantage of your unique qualities  to support your outer work in the world;  also giving you a chance to clarify further any details from your initial BigView session.
    (See the InnerView session page here.)
  2. Session #3: ‘StrategyTransits Session’
    Available to book for 2 hours (extra time can be available for lengthier discussions, charged in 15-minute increments), so you can take advantage of the influences you will be under, personally, between the next 6 to 12 months ahead.
    Full payment for this session is due several days prior to the appointment date.
    (See the StrategyTransits session page here.)
  3. Sessions #4, #5, #6, etc: ‘Progress Sessions’ (20 minutes or 45 minutes) are available for you to book at any time after a BigView session for:
    — deeper work;
    — reality-checks to avoid subtle sabotage;
    — strategies;
    — the minor Transits for fine tuning your inner challenges and opportunities;
    — or pep-talks related to your chart dynamics during your challenging or growth times.
    Very affordable as there is no extra prep time for me.
    No deposit necessary for these sessions.
    Full payment is due immediately at the end of the session, if not prepaid, via my website’s Astrology Payments page for card payments, or Osko/PayID (for Australian banking accounts), or via emailed live invoice, containing a live Stripe  payment button, especially for unusual amounts that combine services, such as with flower essences.
    (See the Progress suggestions here.)